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FoodSense Weekly Webinar 24 January 2024

Updated: Jan 24

A weekly webinar from ZP answering technical questions that have come in during the week, we will be talking about the resolution and sensitivity of FSG4 and the ability of humans to distinguish different levels of SHU.

This webinar will be broadcast at 8 AM London time on the 24 January, but there is no need to watch live as the webinar is recorded.

Questions this week:

Q1 - One of our customers measured the spiciness of their sources using the Chilli Sensor and obtained a result showing a 200 SHU difference between them. However, they believe that humans can perceive a much greater distinction between those samples, suggesting that the spiciness should be higher than the 200 SHU recorded with the Chilli Sensor.

Q2 - How do I measure 100 SHU?

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